Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Ucler vs the perfect pain killer

Uclers, come and go, lip recover, it moves to tongue. Bad day.
Mother say is lack of vitamin C. I cannot but agree.

Ucler for sure create some degree of pain. If someone is anothers' ucler, that is equally bad.
Serious ucler of seriously sicked people, very very tormenting.

Let us share more joy and happiness than be pain to others.
Be overdose with entertainment, enlightenment, enjoyment, establishment.

Never never get into the stupid drug overdose. Are they silly, cannot count the number of tablets to eat? Did they did it on purpose or just another freak accident? Bring back the dead to find out the truth... "Pushing Daisies" .

Pain killer is a perfect killer. They not only kill the pain for a short while. They can kill the pain forever.

The way to cure ucler in mouth, rinse with salt water. Does that helps? It is literally, pouring salt over open wound. Dead painful !!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to do get the bottom of ketchup bottle

On the dinner table, a few bottle of almost finish ketchup and chilli. How can i eat the sauce/ketchup to the very last drop from the bottle? Is there a better way to package ketchup and chilli sauce ?

Think, crack my head think.

For home use, why not buy those chilli sauce packets same as what fastfood restaurants give out.
We enjoy the 99% of the small packet of chilli and ketchup.

Do not know how much those cost?
Where to buy, NTUC .... supermarkets etc?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

i wish the sun never rise

Sometimes, I juz wish the sun would never rise. LoL, it will only be possible when I sleep and
never wake up. Or the world ended that day. Both are not ideal. The world still got many places,
things, to explore, to experience. Live on !!

Every "little" failure and disappointment brings us nearer to a better tomorrow.

If the sun is too strong, wear a shade, or simply stay indoor for the sun to be less burning.
When the temperature is nicer, go out enjoy the sun again.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Nescafe drink from 7-eleven

Months ago, Bugis, everyday will go down there. First thing i reach there is to goto 7-11, buy 1 or 2 can of nescafe coffee, latte/black coffee/roast or something. It taste near good .. at least is
easy to get and drink, is chilled tough. I will also quick browse through the magazine rack, see any new issue, esp. Stuff(electronics gadgets) and FIRST(local movie mag, aka my precious..) mag.

1 thing they lack are, maple ppc cards. Boy, how i miss maple when at Bugis.
Real into maple.

Weight at that time maybe is about 70kg plus.
Now, weighs 60kg, to my surprise. One day, i juz curious den weighs my self ...
I go "wow, so thin now" . What have happen, i slim down without me knowing.

Miss are those people i get to know at Bugis, the "flee market", opposite Bugis Junction.
Also the market food there.

A repeat thing

Cabal .. play play. After years spent in maple, finally come Cabal. But after some times will
repeat itself. This game so sianz. Quit lor. Getting meaningless.

Life cycle, how much or how many things actually keep repeating themselves.
If you are to talk to someone but he or she keep repeating herself, no fun talking liao.

Good things can keep coming, bad things nobody like them.

Imagine, how happy it will be if fortunate things keep happening, keeping our spirit high!
Future keep getting brighter and fairer and richer, in spirit and currency.