Sunday, June 12, 2005


Flu 3 letters but so powerful. I am juz down with flu. Is Panadol the cure? No.
A lot of rest... that what we hear. But how much how many hours is a lot?
A lot of water... flu come with slight fever.

Human can be very strong. A cut anywhere on our body cause pain.
A good healthy body we are suppose to be responsible. Regular exercise. Well-balanced diet.

Fortunately, my flu did not disturb my 4km run this evening. Thank God (*&^!!
Only after i reached home, it happen again...flu man.

How i wish there can be an instant cure for flu@!

Mr Flu, could i write a 'peace treaty' with you.
You win. I surrender.

I writing these words as my nose is partly blocked.
There seem to be something tie around my head.

Another Panadol and water-drinking night.

The lesson: never go near a flu friend. Wear a face mask if you need to.

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