Thursday, October 13, 2005

Portable Video Player

the king of PVP... have to be Archos

Apple-on-Video huray!!!!

Finallly Video ipod.
It is here... let see how good it will get.

i love video/film/movie.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Those movies i love.. 1st 12

  1. LOTR
  5. HEIST
  6. SHREK
  8. I AM SAM
  10. ALIEN
  11. 15 MINUTES
  12. DIE HARD

Saturday, July 09, 2005

My new haircutZ ***

Not happy even with new haircut?

What a feasting on Four Leaves bread :)

creamy bun & chicken frank bread

coffee bun Coffee bun coffee bun coffee bun coffee bun coffee bun

It's Never enough. I can keep eating whole day, trying out all the different flavours.

Mission Accomplished!!

i miss my pc, computer.
i miss my HK tv drama.
i miss the beautiful babes strolling down Orchard road.
i miss Burger King_dom burger.
i miss the Freshz Airx.

and i miss you and many frens out there.

ThankQ! No bombing during my tour of duty.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Flu 3 letters but so powerful. I am juz down with flu. Is Panadol the cure? No.
A lot of rest... that what we hear. But how much how many hours is a lot?
A lot of water... flu come with slight fever.

Human can be very strong. A cut anywhere on our body cause pain.
A good healthy body we are suppose to be responsible. Regular exercise. Well-balanced diet.

Fortunately, my flu did not disturb my 4km run this evening. Thank God (*&^!!
Only after i reached home, it happen again...flu man.

How i wish there can be an instant cure for flu@!

Mr Flu, could i write a 'peace treaty' with you.
You win. I surrender.

I writing these words as my nose is partly blocked.
There seem to be something tie around my head.

Another Panadol and water-drinking night.

The lesson: never go near a flu friend. Wear a face mask if you need to.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

1st day

All and all.... the light is dim. Wat more can i say/see... a beacon...
What you didn't on your room's light... play romantick

Heng you no use super duber big candle.

F*** a commoner word. My mouth can sound it out but to type it fully on screen its become silent.
I am confused. Actually, reading it off screen is quite struggling... it like sin.

Where is world peace? 911 why it happens? it bring global panic... uptight security....more extra
duty. Stop the destruction of peace. Give us true peace, an everlasting one, can you.

Dead all the destroyers of Peace.
Peace is fragile! Please handle with care. Keep it forever.