Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another Last day

ICT ended on 25Nov 2009. It started on 1st Monday of Nov 2009. Finally it is over!!

No more reservist.
No more yearly meet up with fellow soldiers, esp fellow-medics and company man( sad).

What relieve! Yet will miss those days we work together.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

To be slim

To slim down healthy:
  1. dinner eat less... less rice...1 small bowl. Less meat also might helps.
  2. dinner take soup
  3. lunch eat lesser but more than dinner.
  4. NO snack, eg potato chip, full-cream milk, chocolate ... snack will be fruit
  5. pick up exercise you like
  6. supper is also a no-no.
  7. replace rice with bread.. rice too much seem to have a "fattening" effect
  8. take irregular meals but no supper

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To be fat

Highly recommended ways to be FAT!

  1. During your free time, open up 1 fresh can of potato chips.
  2. Prepare some ice-cream and chocolate bars.
  3. Switch on your DVD/blue-ray player, pop in your favorite movies or concert DVD.
  4. Enjoy your show with potato chips+ ice-cream+ chocolate.
  5. Repeat the above (step 1 to 5) , for 3 months. Weigh your self. 5kg to 10kg increase.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Should there be any doctor while they fight...?

As in the "fighting arena", are doctor's presence a necessary? Any first-aid team?
Ooh just let them fight till they happily died. Since they like fighting each other so much, let them
fight and perish in the heat of bloody violence.

We could setup a food canteen, weapon shop, hotel room, spa. Ha ha, think nobody will be free to use those facilities. The main event is fighting, no audience allowed.

"Fighting arena" free for all. Go in fight fight fight.

Hopefully, at the end of all thing, peace be restored. At bare minimum, people use lesser damaging weapons to fight it out.

Make your own market

You want what, i sell what you want. There is a market, you supply their demand.
The funny thing is the reverse is also true. You go create this new demand/market, you supply too.

Weapons, people wanted weapons for defense or war. If you can supply their demand, you make billions. Could peace be bought at a cheaper price? What happen if the demand is not there?
Refer to anime Gundam Seed Destiny series, "when there is no real demand, you go create "war" aka "demand" .

Sometimes, it sounds real stupid, why men bother to use so destructive weapons to fighting each other. Why dun they just go to a certain "fighting arena", preferly a no-man's land, to fight their hearts out with basic weapons like poles n clubs, even best bare hands.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why this icement.. what is icement

Cement... is the soil used to build wall, building flats and houses. A kind of glue to stick bricks to bricks.

icement simply put it, mean i to build a simple bond with another human.
As like a house, brick to brick, so people to people, heart to heart.

Use your heart to befriend, to make friends.

Do they really know me... or they tink they do..?

Sometimes, people just assume that they see is what they know. But the truth is they may not actually know what the other that much. Even though, we live under one roof. Things change,
time changes, people also change.

Misunderstanding alot, unfortunately. Yup, some people cannot properly express what they really
feel or think deep in.

The ability of being to understand other play a big important role.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Welcome 2009

Another 365 days to walk on this earth.

Fight on, anything unresolved hopefully will be settled ASAP.
A bright new year, a brighter future, regardless of the global economic crisis.

I wish everybody will get a richer fuller life.