Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Ucler vs the perfect pain killer

Uclers, come and go, lip recover, it moves to tongue. Bad day.
Mother say is lack of vitamin C. I cannot but agree.

Ucler for sure create some degree of pain. If someone is anothers' ucler, that is equally bad.
Serious ucler of seriously sicked people, very very tormenting.

Let us share more joy and happiness than be pain to others.
Be overdose with entertainment, enlightenment, enjoyment, establishment.

Never never get into the stupid drug overdose. Are they silly, cannot count the number of tablets to eat? Did they did it on purpose or just another freak accident? Bring back the dead to find out the truth... "Pushing Daisies" .

Pain killer is a perfect killer. They not only kill the pain for a short while. They can kill the pain forever.

The way to cure ucler in mouth, rinse with salt water. Does that helps? It is literally, pouring salt over open wound. Dead painful !!